Sunday 24 May 2009


Aggression and violence are often used closely. Violence is aphysical attack : fighting, punching, kicking, using wepon. And aggression has a more general meaning, not just physical assaults : refer to verbal attcks or even just a hostile attitude.Kinds of aggressionCriminal aggression and violence differ from the sort of aggression in every day life. Despite it, the nature of criminal and 'normal' aggression is the same.
The causes and feeling involved are similar : criminal violence is merely a more extreme expression of them.To understand criminal aggression, star to look at 'normal' aggression. Anger can be very strong emotion. Feeling of anger may not be the only reason why people act aggressively. For the prison officer, anger to make the prisoner change his behaviour. However, people way act aggressively for two main reasons : 1) because of angry feeling, or 2) as a means of getting what they want. Most aggresive actions involve some element of gain : of mone, status publicity, etc, and some element of emotion : anger, frustration, or jealousy.
What makes people aggressive ?People may feel annoyed and up by acting aggresively in response to things and people around them and also to their own physical and mental states : will be discribed in four different part :
1. what a person feels inside (physically and mentally) :Tiredness is a common state which people say makes them prone to aggression. Pain , especially something like a toothache, and hunger can also make people more irritable than usual. Drink, drugs and some foods, other factors can influence the likelihood of some one acting aggressively, especially for people have less control over their temper. So , we have considered those factors inside ourselver, both mental an physical, which contribute to aggressive feelings an actions.
2. the degree of discomfort in the surroundings :temperature and noise have been mentioned specifically, but other elements in environtment which have an unpleasent effect on any senses might arouse aggressive responses in us.
3. the behaviour of others :why does a person who feel aggressive act that feeling in one situation but not in anthoer ? It depends on how others act towards him. People lose oppurtunity to do something, also make they angry. The main somponent, in violence and aggression is the way a person deals with others and how they behave toward him.4. personla thoughts :thoughts and behaviour are closely linked. A person's thoughts, both about him or herself an about others, can be a powerfull influence on his or her reactions to situations and the chances of aggression occuring.

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